In a world where humans with extraordinary abilities, known as Espers, coexist with monstrous Mutated Beasts, Zhang Ping defies the odds and awakens to his own unique power. However, fate has a cruel twist in store—his ability is deemed utterly useless, a mere joke in a world on the brink of chaos.
Unwilling to accept a life of insignificance, Zhang Ping makes a bold decision that would strike fear into the hearts of even the most experienced Espers. He consumes a Contract Gem—a mystical artifact capable of binding a creature’s essence to another’s will.
But Zhang Ping isn’t binding himself to a fearsome beast… He’s forging a contract with himself, becoming his own summon!
With this daring act, the world around him shatters open. Limitless power, a vast array of Mutated Beasts, and treacherous parallel dimensions… Anything is now within his reach.